
Showing posts from August, 2024

Lidl Kosher Dill Slices Crunchy and Zesty

Lidl Kosher Dill Slices Crunchy and Zesty --- Flavor: 5/10 Texture: 8/10 --- Taste is pretty run of the mill, but the texture is what I like in a flat slice, firm but not hard, and sorta floppy. These always feel like a tongue to me an I love it.

Farm to Pack in 5 Days Park Street Deli Kosher Dill Spears Fresh Deli Pickles Aldi's

Farm to Pack in 5 Days Park Street Deli Kosher Dill Spears Fresh Deli Pickles Aldi's --- Flavor: 8/10 Texture: 9/10 --- Really good for a fermented pickle. I wasn't expecting much from these but they blew me out of the water. They are crunchy in all the right ways and juicy. The crunch when you bite into them. Nice flavoring that is mild but full.

Mt. Olive Kosher Dill Spears

Mt. Olive Kosher Dill Spears --- Flavor: 7/10 Texture: 7/10 --- Classic delicious go to pickle. I bounce back and forth if I prefer wholes or spears, I think these are my favorite spears

Wickles Original Pickles

Wickles Original Pickles --- Flavor: 5/10 Texture: 6/10 --- These had a sweet taste to them, but not the normal toxic overly disgusting sweet taste the most sweet pickles have. The meat was a little mushy and the skin was soft, but for some reason I liked it. There is a small hint of spice, but not much. For this to be a sweet pickle, they are not terrible, I'm not sure if I'm just in a mood or what, but I was not repulsed by these like I am with most sweet pickles.

Mt. Olive Kosher Dills

Mt. Olive Kosher Dills --- Flavor: 7/10 Texture: 7/10 --- Absolute run of the mill pickle, a really good snacking pickle. I used to eat these with an old friend of mine and they give me such nostalgia I love it.

Park Street Deli Atomic Spicy Fresh Deli Pickles

Park Street Deli Atomic Spicy Fresh Deli Pickles --- Flavor: 3/10 Texture: 7/10 --- These were more spicy that I would have liked. I was hoping they would be a little more flavorful, but other than spice, I couldn't pick up on a flavor.

Wickles Dirty Dill Cocktail Cornichons

Wickles Dirty Dill Cocktail Cornichons --- Flavor: 5/10 Texture: 8/10 --- super super tart and sour, almost like a sour candy. These are pickles I can't eat a lot of in one setting. I LOVE the size and texture of them, nice firm crunch, satisfying to eat a pickle this small, but damn are they sour!

Vlasic Fresh Packed Sandwhich Dill Chips

Vlasic Fresh Packed Sandwhich Dill Chips --- Flavor: 6/10 Texture: 5/10 --- sour, delicious, turmeric flavoring, not quite as sour as a fast food pickle and is a step above a grocery store pickle chip

Park Street Deli Fresh Deli Pickles Dill Pickle Chips

Park Street Deli Fresh Deli Pickles Dill Pickle Chips --- Flavor: 7/10 Texture: 7/10 --- Really tasty, I regret not keeping the juice and sipping on it later. They're tany but mild and crisp but not hard. The skin isn't too hard which I find a lot in this style of pickle so that was refreshing.

Mt. Olive Petite Snack Crunchers Kosher Dill

Mt. Olive Petite Snack Crunchers Kosher Dill --- Flavor: 5/10 Texture: 5/10 --- nothing notable or remarkable about these. They aren't bad and do satisfy the pickle craving.

Byler's Relish Hous Old-Fashioned DillPickles Crisp and Tangy

 Byler's Relish House Old-Fashioned DillPickles Crisp and Tangy --- Flavor: 6/10 Texture 5/10 --- my mouth started watering as soon as I opened these. They are squishy and super soft,not a pickle that I think most people would like. Has a strong vinegar flavor but aren't sour which is strange.flavors are strong smelling but not strong tasting. Flavor sort of hits AFTER you've swallowed the pickle.